It’s About Love

It’s About Love

by Terrell Perkins

“I just love my wife so much I’d kill her if she ever left me.” We’ve all heard statements like that. Love is the most popular subject in our music and our poetry but it’s also the most misunderstood concept in the world. Even with as much as we obsess over the subject, as a society, I believe we are somewhat uncomfortable with the subject of love. We’re not quite sure how or when to express it. It is often mistaken for weakness and we don’t want to appear weak.

In a Sabbatarian church I once attended, it was “politically incorrect” to talk about love. That was a subject that Protestants, and other “touchy-feely” types talked about. Love was too often used to dismiss God’s law and what mattered was the law. Never mind the fact that God revealed His law to us as an act of love like when a parent tells their young child to stay away from a busy street. It is out of love that they do so. The law of God glows with love for His children. Love flows through every line of His word. That’s something it would do well for all us to remember…”

(this article is an excerpt from the May-June 2012 edition of the Sabbath Sentinel)

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